
英语听力2024-04-21 01:28:01小编




White dragon fish suit (English) explanation:

White dragon fish suit refers to a special fishing gear, also known as "fish suit", "fisherman's suit" or "fisherman's clothing". It is a protective equipment worn by professional fishermen when fishing, which can protect the body from water flow and fish hooks, and provide a comfortable wearing experience. White dragon fish suits are usually made of waterproof materials, and have the characteristics of durability, lightness and waterproofing, suitable for fishing activities in various water areas.


白龙鱼服 [bái lóng yú fú]

How to read (phonetic notation):

Bái lóng yú fú




White dragon fish suits are generally used for fishing large freshwater fish, such as carp, crucian carp, etc. Before use, the white dragon fish suit needs to be worn tightly to the body to prevent water from entering. When fishing, you can take advantage of the waterproof performance of the white dragon fish suit to move freely in the water and catch fish without getting hurt.


1. 我买了一套新的白龙鱼服,准备去湖边钓大型淡水鱼。

I bought a new set of white dragon fish suits and prepared to go fishing for large freshwater fish by the lake.

2. 这件白龙鱼服非常轻便,穿起来很舒适。

This white dragon fish suit is very light and comfortable to wear.

3. 老渔民告诉我,穿上白龙鱼服就像是变成了一条鱼。

The old fisherman told me that wearing a white dragon fish suit is like turning into a fish.

4. 白龙鱼服的防水性能非常好,可以在水中自由活动,不用担心被水浸湿。

The waterproof performance of the white dragon fish suit is very good, you can move freely in the water without worrying about getting wet.

5. 我们在湖边看到了一位渔民穿着白龙鱼服,正在钓一条巨型鲤鱼。

We saw a fisherman wearing a white dragon fish suit by the lake, fishing for a giant carp.


1. 渔人服(yú rén fú):也是指渔民在捕鱼时穿着的防护装备,与白龙鱼服意思相同。

Fisherman's suit: also refers to the protective equipment worn by fishermen when fishing, with the same meaning as white dragon fish suit.

2. 鱼服(yú fú):也是指渔民穿戴的一种防护装备,与白龙鱼服意思相同。

Fish suit: also refers to the protective equipment worn by fishermen, with the same meaning as white dragon fish suit.

3. 渔夫服(yú fū fú):也是指渔民穿戴的一种防护装备,与白龙鱼服意思相同。

Fisherman's clothing: also refers to the protective equipment worn by fishermen, with the same meaning as white dragon fish suit.


