
英语听力2024-04-21 01:45:15小编



What does "Bailian Bus" mean? (Chinese and English) Explanation

" Bailian Bus" refers to the public bus service operated by Bailian Group. Bailian Group is a leading comprehensive commercial enterprise group in China, with multiple formats such as department stores, supermarkets, and cinemas. "Bailian Bus" is a part of its public transportation services.

二:怎么读(音标):[bǎi lián bā shì]

Pronunciation: [bǎi lián bā shì]


Usage: "Bailian Bus" is mainly used to refer to the public bus service operated by Bailian Group, and it can also be abbreviated as "Bailian". It can be used as a noun or a verb.


1. 我每天都乘坐百联巴士去上班。

I take the Bailian Bus to work every day.

2. 请问这趟百联巴士去往哪个方向?

Excuse me, which direction does this Bailian Bus go?

3. 百联巴士的票价比其他公交公司便宜。

The fare of Bailian Bus is cheaper than other bus companies.

4. 他们打算在这条路上增加一辆百联巴士。

They plan to add a Bailian Bus on this route.

5. 我们可以通过百联巴士app购买车票。

We can purchase bus tickets through the Bailian Bus app.


Synonyms and usage: The synonym of "Bailian Bus" is "Bailian Public Transportation", which can also be abbreviated as "Bai Gong". They all refer to the public bus service operated by Bailian Group.

