
英语听力2024-04-21 01:48:01小编



How to read:

Bǎi wén bùrú yī jiàn. (Pinyin)

/baɪ wən buːɻuː iː t͡ɕjɛn/ (IPA)




1. 我们听了很多关于这个地方的故事,但是百闻不如一见,还是要自己去看看才能真正体会。

(We have heard a lot of stories about this place, but seeing it with our own eyes is more convincing. We still need to go there and experience it ourselves to truly understand.)

2. 他们公司虽然声誉很好,但是我觉得百闻不如一见,我还是想去实地考察一下。

(Although their company has a good reputation, I feel that seeing is believing. I still want to visit and investigate in person.)

3. 学习一门新的技能,百闻不如一见,要多动手实践才能真正掌握。

(When learning a new skill, seeing is believing. You need to practice more in order to truly master it.)

4. 对于这种新型病毒,我们只能靠科学家们的研究来了解,百闻不如一见。

(For this new virus, we can only rely on the research of scientists to understand it. Seeing is believing.)

5. 我从小就听说过这个神秘的地方,终于有机会去看看了,百闻不如一见啊!

(I have heard about this mysterious place since I was a child, and now I finally have the opportunity to see it with my own eyes. Seeing is believing!)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 亲眼所见胜过千言万语。(What one sees with their own eyes is better than thousands of words.)

- 强调亲身经历比听说更有说服力。

2. 事实胜于雄辩。(Facts speak louder than words.)

- 强调实践比理论更重要。

3. 眼见为实。(Seeing is believing.)

- 表示只有亲眼目睹才能相信。

4. 自己动手,丰衣足食。(To do something yourself will ensure that you have enough food and clothing.)

- 强调实践比理论更重要,也可以理解为自己动手比听别人说更有效。

5. 感同身受。(To sympathize with someone.)

- 强调亲身经历或实践对于认识事物的重要性。

Editor's Summary:

