英文解释:Look at this! is a colloquial expression commonly used to invite or suggest someone to look at something or do something. It can also be used to express affirmation and approval towards something.
怎么读(音标):/lʊk æt ðɪs/
1. 看看这个吧!我昨天在商场买的新鞋子,很适合你。
Look at this! These new shoes I bought at the mall yesterday, they would look great on you.
2. 你想要知道怎么做这道菜吗?来,我们一起看看这个吧!
Do you want to know how to make this dish? Come on, let's take a look at this!
3. 看看这个吧!我们团队最新推出的产品,在市场上反响非常好。
Look at this! Our team's latest product has received great feedback in the market.
4. 她拿出了一本新书,让我看看这个吧!
She took out a new book and asked me to take a look at this.
5. 我们应该怎么解决这个问题?看看这个吧!也许能找到答案。
How should we solve this problem? Let's take a look at this! Maybe we can find the answer.