
英语听力2024-04-21 03:42:06小编




The ignition limit refers to the minimum temperature required for a substance to burn, or the lowest temperature at which a substance can spontaneously combust. When a substance reaches its ignition limit, it will ignite and burn even without an external source of fire.


着火极限 [zháo huǒ jí xiàn]



The ignition limit is often used to describe the burning characteristics of a substance and can be used to assess its flammability and potential hazards. In the field of engineering, understanding the ignition limit of a substance can help in designing safety and preventive measures.


1. 这种化学品具有很高的着火极限,使用时需要特别小心。

This chemical has a high ignition limit, so extra caution is required when handling it.

2. 石油的着火极限比水低,因此在处理石油时要格外小心。

The ignition limit of oil is lower than that of water, so extra care must be taken when handling it.

3. 为了确保安全,工厂必须定期检测各种化学品的着火极限。

To ensure safety, factories must regularly test the ignition limits of various chemicals.

4. 这种材料的着火极限很低,一旦遇到高温就会自燃。

This material has a low ignition limit and will spontaneously combust when exposed to high temperatures.

5. 研究人员正在寻找新的方法来提高木材的着火极限,以减少森林火灾的发生。

Researchers are looking for new ways to increase the ignition limit of wood in order to reduce the occurrence of forest fires.


1. 自燃温度 (spontaneous combustion temperature):指物质开始自行燃烧所需要的最低温度。

2. 点燃温度 (ignition temperature):指物质开始燃烧所需要的最小温度。

3. 着火点 (flash point):指液体在接触到外部火源后能够产生蒸汽并形成可燃气体混合物的最低温度。

4. 自动点火温度 (autoignition temperature):指物质自行燃烧的最低温度,也可以理解为物质达到着火极限的温度。

1. Self-ignition temperature: the minimum temperature required for a substance to begin self-combustion.

2. Ignition temperature: the minimum temperature required for a substance to ignite and burn.

3. Flash point: the lowest temperature at which a liquid can produce vapors and form a flammable gas mixture when exposed to an external source of fire.

4. Autoignition temperature: the lowest temperature at which a substance will spontaneously ignite, also known as the ignition limit.


