
英语听力2024-04-21 04:06:04小编




Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated. This phrase means understanding oneself and others, which is a process of mutual recognition. It can help people better understand themselves and others, thereby building better interpersonal relationships. In China, this idiom originated from "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, and was used to describe important strategies in warfare. Later on, it was also extended to an important principle in daily life.


[zhī bǐ zhī jǐ]



This idiom can be used to describe the process of building better relationships by understanding oneself and others. It can also be used to guide gaining an advantage in competition or conflict.


1. 只有通过知彼知己,我们才能更好地解决问题。

Only by knowing ourselves and others can we better solve problems.

2. 在国际交流中,知彼知己是非常重要的。

In international communication, it is crucial to know oneself and others.

3. 他们之间的矛盾可以通过知彼知己来缓解。

The conflict between them can be eased through knowing themselves and each other.

4. 学习知彼知己可以帮助我们更好地发展自己的个性。

Learning about ourselves and others can help us better develop our personalities.

5. 老师经常告诫学生要学会知彼知己,才能在竞争中取得优势。

Teachers often remind students to learn how to know themselves and others in order to gain an advantage in competition.


1. 知人善任:也指了解他人并善于处理与他人的关系。

2. 了解自我:强调对自己的认识和理解。

3. 推心置腹:指相互信任并坦诚相待。

4. 相敬如宾:形容双方关系和睦、尊重。

5. 化干戈为玉帛:指通过谈判或妥协来化解。

1. Know the person and treat them well: also means understanding others and being good at handling relationships with them.

2. Self-understanding: emphasizes the understanding of oneself.

3. Be frank and sincere: means mutual trust and frankness.

4. Respect each other as guests: describes a harmonious and respectful relationship.

5. Turn swords into ploughshares: means resolving conflicts through negotiation or compromise.


