
英语听力2024-04-21 06:46:24小编




God refers to an entity that surpasses human understanding and is usually believed to possess supernatural powers and wisdom, capable of influencing the development of humanity and the world. In religious beliefs, God is seen as the supreme being with infinite power and wisdom, capable of creating the universe and controlling the cycle of life and death. In different cultures and religions, the image and attributes of God vary.





The word "God" is commonly used as a noun to describe an entity with supernatural powers and wisdom. It can also refer to the supreme being worshipped in a belief system. In addition, in spoken language, "God" can also be used as an interjection to express surprise or admiration.


1. Many people believe in the existence of God. (许多人相信神的存在。)

2. The ancient Greeks worshipped multiple gods and goddesses. (古希腊人崇拜多位神和女神。)

3. Oh my God, I can't believe it! (我的天啊,我简直不敢相信!)

4. In Christianity, God is often referred to as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (在中,神经常被称为父、子和圣灵。)

5. The concept of God varies among different religions and cultures. (对于不同和文化来说,神的概念各有不同。)


1. Deity:指任何被崇拜或信奉的超自然存在,也可以用来指代某种具有超自然力量的形象。

2. Divine:形容词,表示与神有关的、超自然的。

3. Supreme Being:指宇宙间最高无上的存在。

4. Creator:指创造宇宙和生命的存在。

5. Higher Power:指任何被认为具有超自然力量和影响力的存在。

1. Deity: refers to any supernatural being worshipped or believed in, can also refer to a figure with supernatural powers.

2. Divine: adjective, describing something related to God, supernatural.

3. Supreme Being: refers to the highest and most supreme entity in the universe.

4. Creator: refers to the entity that created the universe and life.

5. Higher Power: refers to any entity believed to possess supernatural powers and influence.


