
英语听力2024-04-21 08:02:10小编



Autumnal Stone (Noun): A rare gemstone, also known as "Autumn Red Stone", mainly composed of aluminum silicate, with deep red or orange-red crystal structure. It is widely used in the production of jewelry and decorative items, with a noble and elegant appearance and precious value.

二:怎么读(音标):qiū dān shí [tʃjəʊ dæn ʃi]


Usage: Autumnal Stone is commonly used in the production of jewelry, accessories, and decorative items, as well as for collection or gifting purposes. It can be used alone or paired with other gemstones to create different visual effects. In addition, in some cultural and religious ceremonies, Autumnal Stone is also seen as a talisman or amulet.


1. 她佩戴着一枚镶有秋丹石的戒指,显得格外华丽。(She wore a ring with an Autumnal Stone, making her look extra glamorous.)

2. 这幅画中的宝石是用秋丹石来描绘的,色彩鲜艳夺目。(The gemstones in this painting are depicted with Autumnal Stones, which are bright and eye-catching.)

3. 我的收藏品中最珍贵的就是这块秋丹石,它具有无与伦比的美感。(The most precious item in my collection is this piece of Autumnal Stone, which has an unparalleled beauty.)

4. 在这个,秋丹石被视为幸运和富贵的象征。(In this country, Autumnal Stone is seen as a symbol of luck and wealth.)

5. 这件项链上镶嵌着多颗秋丹石,每一颗都闪耀着迷人的光芒。(This necklace is set with multiple Autumnal Stones, each one shining with enchanting radiance.)


Synonyms and Usage: Autumn Red Stone, Red Garnet, Orange-Red Crystal can all be used as synonyms for Autumnal Stone. They have similar appearance and composition, but may have slight differences. For example, Red Garnet has a color closer to deep red, while Orange-Red Crystal tends to be more orange.

