英文解释:The meaning of "章程" is a normative document formulated by an organization or group to regulate its internal organizational structure, responsibilities, rights and obligations. It can also refer to laws and regulations formulated by national or local governments.
二:怎么读(音标):zhāng chéng
1. 公司的章程明确规定了股东们的权利和义务。
The company's articles of association clearly define the rights and obligations of shareholders.
2. 这个协会的章程需要经过全体会员的投票通过。
The association's bylaws need to be approved by a vote of all members.
3. 根据相关章程,违反交通规则将会被处以罚款。
According to the relevant regulations of the country, violation of traffic rules will result in a fine.
4. 请您仔细阅读我们公司的章程,以便了解您的权利和责任。
Please read our company's articles of association carefully to understand your rights and responsibilities.
5. 这部法律的章程涵盖了所有可能出现的情况。
The articles of this law cover all possible situations.