
英语听力2024-04-21 12:30:20小编




What does "笔走龙蛇" mean?

"笔走龙蛇" means that when writing with a pen, the strokes are as flexible and smooth as the movement of dragons and snakes, describing the handwriting as fluent and rhythmic. It can also refer to the skillful techniques in calligraphy or painting.


bǐ zǒu lóng shé




"笔走龙蛇" is usually used to describe the skill and level of writing or painting, and can also be used to praise someone's handwriting or artwork. In daily life, it can also be used to metaphor someone's fluent speech or outstanding eloquence.


1. 他的书法水平很高,笔走龙蛇,字迹优美动人。

His calligraphy skills are excellent, with flexible and smooth strokes, and beautiful handwriting.

2. 她的画技精湛,笔走龙蛇,作品充满了生机和韵律感。

Her painting skills are superb, with flexible and smooth brushstrokes, and her works are full of vitality and rhythm.

3. 他的口才很好,谈吐间充满了诗意,简直是笔走龙蛇。

His eloquence is excellent, with poetic expressions in his speech, as if his words are flowing like dragons and snakes.

4. 这位老师教书有方,讲课生动有趣,真是笔走龙蛇。

This teacher has a methodical way of teaching and makes the class lively and interesting. It's like writing with flexible strokes of dragons and snakes.

5. 她的小说文笔流畅,情节跌宕起伏,真是笔走龙蛇。

Her novel is written fluently with twists and turns in the plot, just like writing with flexible strokes of dragons and snakes.


1. 笔挺龙飞:形容书法或绘画技巧高超、气势磅礴。

2. 笔走鸿毛:形容书法或绘画技巧轻盈灵动、婉约飘逸。

3. 笔精墨妙:形容书法或绘画技巧精湛、巧妙。

4. 笔下生花:形容书法或绘画技巧出众、富有创意。

5. 笔力雄健:形容书法或绘画技巧有力、有韵律感。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 笔挺龙飞: Describes exquisite calligraphy or painting skills with a grand and majestic style.

2. 笔走鸿毛: Describes graceful and elegant calligraphy or painting skills.

3. 笔精墨妙: Describes superb and ingenious calligraphy or painting skills.

4. 笔下生花: Describes outstanding and creative calligraphy or painting skills.

5. 笔力雄健: Describes powerful and rhythmic calligraphy or painting skills.


