
英语听力2024-04-21 15:40:14小编




Zong, also known as "rou zong" or "zong zi", is a traditional Chinese food. It is usually made by wrapping glutinous rice and other ingredients in bamboo leaves or banana leaves and then steaming it. Its shape is triangular, and it contains various fillings such as meat, beans, eggs, etc. Zongzi has different methods of making and flavors in different parts of China, and it is an essential food for the traditional Chinese festival - Dragon Boat Festival.





Zongzi is usually eaten during the traditional festival - Dragon Boat Festival. It can also be served as breakfast, snack or afternoon tea. In addition to the traditional flavors, there are now various innovative flavors of zongzi, such as chocolate zongzi, fresh meat zongzi, etc. Zongzi can also be frozen for convenient consumption.


1. 我最喜欢的端午节食品就是粽子了。

My favorite food for Dragon Boat Festival is zongzi.

2. 这家店的粽子味道特别地道。

The zongzi in this shop tastes very authentic.

3. 今年我妈妈包了很多肉粽,我们一家人都吃得很开心。

My mother made a lot of rou zong this year, and our whole family enjoyed it very much.

4. 端午节那天,我和朋友一起包了几个巧克力粽子,味道超级好!

On Dragon Boat Festival day, my friends and I made several chocolate zongzi together, and they tasted amazing!

5. 我把剩下的粽子放进冰箱里,明天早上可以当早餐吃了。

I put the leftover zongzi in the fridge, I can have them for breakfast tomorrow morning.


1. 肉粽(rou zong):另一种常用的叫法,指用肉类作为主要馅料的粽子。

2. 棕子(zong zi):多用于北方地区,指粽子的俗称。

3. 粽香(zong xiang):指粽子的香味,也可以用来形容其他食物的香味。

4. 粽叶(zong ye):包裹粽子的竹叶或者香蕉叶。

5. 粽子节(zong zi jie):端午节的别称,因为端午节是吃粽子的传统节日。

1. Rou zong (meat zongzi): Another commonly used term, referring to zongzi with meat as the main filling.

2. Zong zi: Mostly used in northern China, referring to the colloquial name of zongzi.

3. Zong xiang (zong fragrance): Refers to the fragrance of zongzi, can also be used to describe the fragrance of other foods.

4. Zong ye (zong leaves): The bamboo leaves or banana leaves used to wrap zongzi.

5. Zong zi jie (zongzi festival): Another name for Dragon Boat Festival, because it is a traditional festival for eating zongzi.


