
英语听力2024-04-21 16:02:03小编




What is the Meaning of Spiritual Pollution (Chinese and English) Explanation

Spiritual pollution refers to the erosion and destruction of people's spiritual world, which has negative effects. It includes various negative thoughts, ideas, values, etc., which can lead to the deterioration of individual behaviors and social atmosphere, and even have a serious impact on social stability and development.


污染:/jīng shén wū rǎn/

How to Pronounce:

Spiritual Pollution: /ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl pəˈluːʃən/




Spiritual pollution is often used to describe negative thoughts, ideas, values, etc. that have a negative impact on individuals or society. It can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it usually refers to specific negative phenomena or a general term for them; as a verb, it usually refers to behaviors that have a negative impact on individuals or society.


1. 污染会导致人们的思想混乱,价值观扭曲,从而影响社会和谐。(Spiritual pollution can lead to people's confusion of thoughts and distortion of values, thus affecting social harmony.)

2. 良好的教育可以预防污染,帮助人们树立正确的思想和价值观。(Good education can prevent spiritual pollution and help people establish correct thoughts and values.)

3. 近年来,网络上充斥着各种不良信息,给青少年造成了严重的污染。(In recent years, the internet has been flooded with various negative information, causing serious spiritual pollution to teenagers.)

4. 应该加强监管,遏制污染的蔓延。(The government should strengthen supervision to curb the spread of spiritual pollution.)

5. 每个人都应该自觉污染,保持积极健康的心态。(Everyone should consciously resist spiritual pollution and maintain a positive and healthy mentality.)

1. Spiritual pollution can lead to people's confusion of thoughts and distortion of values, thus affecting social harmony.

2. Good education can prevent spiritual pollution and help people establish correct thoughts and values.

3. In recent years, the internet has been flooded with various negative information, causing serious spiritual pollution to teenagers.

4. The government should strengthen supervision to curb the spread of spiritual pollution.

5. Everyone should consciously resist spiritual pollution and maintain a positive and healthy mentality.


1. 污染:spiritual contamination/pollution

2. 影响:impact/affect

3. 价值观扭曲:distortion of values

4. 不良信息:negative information

5. :resist


1. Spiritual Pollution: spiritual contamination/pollution

2. Impact: affect

3. Distortion of Values: distortion of values

4. Negative Information: negative information

5. Resist: resist


