
英语听力2024-04-21 16:09:08小编




Elite refers to a group of people with outstanding talents, authoritative status and influence in a certain field or social class. They usually have high education, excellent skills and experience, and have achieved success in their respective fields. Elite can also refer to the most outstanding members in a country or organization, representing the highest level and standard.


elite [ɪˈliːt]



Elite can be used as a noun or an adjective. As a noun, it can refer to a group of people with outstanding talents and status, or the most excellent group of people in a certain field. As an adjective, it can describe something with high quality, level or standard.


1. The elite of the business world gathered at the annual conference to discuss the future of the industry. (商界精英齐聚一堂,共同讨论行业的未来。)

2. He was born into an elite family and had access to the best education and resources. (他出生于一个精英家庭,拥有最好的教育和资源。)

3. The country's elite athletes will compete in the upcoming international sports event. (该国的顶尖运动员将参加即将到来的国际体育赛事。)

4. The elite troops were sent on a secret mission to rescue ages in a foreign country. (精锐被派往外国执行秘密任务,解救人质。)

5. Only the elite few were invited to attend the exclusive gala ed by the famous fashion designer. (只有少数精英受邀参加著名时装设计师举办的独家晚会。)


1. 贵族 (n.):指具有高贵血统、地位和财富的人群,通常指代历史上的王室或贵族阶层。

2. (n.):指具有领导能力、影响力和魅力的人,通常指、商业或社会领域的物。

3. 精英分子 (n.):指具有卓越才能和地位的人,通常用于或社会评论中。

4. 精英阶层 (n.):指具有高学历、高收入和高地位的人群,通常用于社会学或经济学领域。

5. 精英化 (adj.):指某个组织或群体变得更加精英化,通常用于描述某个社会趋势。

1. aristocracy (n.): refers to a group of people with noble lineage, status and wealth, usually refers to the royal or noble class in history.

2. leader (n.): refers to a person with leadership, influence and charisma, usually refers to political, business or social leaders.

3. elite (n.): refers to a person with outstanding talents and status, often used in political or social commentary.

4. elite class (n.): refers to a group of people with high education, income and status, often used in sociology or economics.

5. elitist (adj.): refers to an organization or group becoming more elitist, often used to describe a social trend.


