
英语听力2024-04-21 17:07:06小编




Purple Oil Wood Leaf (Chinese-English) Explanation:

Purple Oil Wood Leaf refers to the leaves of the Purple Oil Wood tree, which is a common traditional Chinese medicine and is also used to make tea drinks. The Purple Oil Wood tree mainly grows in southern China, and its leaves are oval-shaped with dark green on the surface and light green on the back, giving off a strong aroma.


紫油木叶的音标为 zǐ yóu mù yè。

How to pronounce:

The pronunciation of Purple Oil Wood Leaf is zǐ yóu mù yè.




Purple Oil Wood Leaf can be used as a traditional Chinese medicine after drying, or it can be brewed directly into tea. It has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and reducing swelling, and soothing liver and improving eyesight. It is widely used in folk for treating symptoms such as colds, sore throat, and dry eyes.


1. 紫油木叶具有清热解毒的功效,可以用来治疗发热感冒。(Purple Oil Wood Leaf has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, it can be used to treat fever and cold.)

2. 我每天都会喝一杯紫油木叶茶,它可以帮助我舒缓眼睛干涩的感觉。(I drink a cup of Purple Oil Wood Leaf tea every day, it helps me soothe my dry eyes.)

3. 紫油木叶是一种珍贵的中药材,具有多种功效。(Purple Oil Wood Leaf is a precious traditional Chinese medicine with multiple effects.)

4. 这种茶饮料的主要原料就是紫油木叶,口感香甜。(The main ingredient of this tea drink is Purple Oil Wood Leaf, which has a sweet taste.)

5. 如果你感觉咽喉肿痛,可以试试用紫油木叶泡水喝,有助于缓解不适。(If you feel sore throat, you can try to brew Purple Oil Wood Leaf with water, it can help relieve discomfort.)



Synonyms and usage:

The synonym of Purple Oil Wood Leaf is Purple Oil Wood Leaves, which can be used interchangeably. In addition, Purple Oil Wood Leaf can also be used to make ointments, powders and other traditional Chinese medicine preparations.



Editor's summary:

Purple Oil Wood Leaf is a traditional Chinese medicine with multiple effects and a common tea drink ingredient. It is widely used in folk for treating symptoms such as colds, sore throat, and dry eyes. When using it, it is recommended to follow the doctor's advice or use it correctly. At the same time, pay attention to purchasing products from formal channels to ensure safety and effectiveness.
