
英语听力2024-04-21 19:19:07小编


一:纺织及化纤抽丝用助剂油剂染化料生产的意思是指在纺织和化学纤维制造过程中,使用助剂、油剂和染料来对原材料进行加工处理,以便生产出具有特定颜色和性质的织物或纤维产品。(The meaning of producing with auxiliary agents, oil agents and dyes in the process of spinning and manufacturing chemical fibers is to use these substances to process raw materials and produce textiles or fiber products with specific colors and properties.)

二:怎么读:(fǎng zhī jí huà xiāo chú shì yòng zhù jì yóu jì dǎng huà liào shēng chǎn de yì sī)

三:用法:这个短语通常用于描述纺织和化学纤维制造过程中使用的辅助物质。它可以作为动词短语“生产”的补充说明,也可以作为名词短语“生产的意思”的解释。(The phrase is commonly used to describe the auxiliary substances used in the process of spinning and manufacturing chemical fibers. It can be used as a complement to the verb "produce" or as an explanation for the noun phrase "meaning of production".)


1. 这家工厂专门从事纺织及化纤抽丝用助剂油剂染化料生产。(This factory specializes in producing with auxiliary agents, oil agents and dyes for spinning and manufacturing chemical fibers.)

2. 为了保证产品的质量,我们使用最优质的纺织及化纤抽丝用助剂油剂染化料。(In order to ensure the quality of our products, we use the highest quality auxiliary agents, oil agents and dyes for spinning and manufacturing chemical fibers.)

3. 这种新型的纺织及化纤抽丝用助剂油剂染化料能够提高产品的色牢度和光泽度。(This new type of auxiliary agents, oil agents and dyes for spinning and manufacturing chemical fibers can improve the color fastness and luster of the products.)

4. 我们需要大量的纺织及化纤抽丝用助剂油剂染化料来满足客户的需求。(We need a large amount of auxiliary agents, oil agents and dyes for spinning and manufacturing chemical fibers to meet the demand of our customers.)

5. 这种特殊配方的纺织及化纤抽丝用助剂油剂染化料可以使得产品具有防水和防腐蚀的特性。(This special formula of auxiliary agents, oil agents and dyes for spinning and manufacturing chemical fibers can make the products have waterproof and anti-corrosion properties.)

五:同义词及用法:辅助物质、添加剂、处理剂等词语可以用来替代助剂、油剂和染料,具有相同的意思。在描述纺织和化学纤维制造过程中使用的辅助物质时,也可以使用动词“加工”来替代“生产”。(Synonyms such as auxiliary substances, additives, and processing agents can be used to replace auxiliary agents, oil agents and dyes with the same meaning. The verb "process" can also be used to replace "produce" when describing the use of auxiliary substances in the process of spinning and manufacturing chemical fibers.)

