
英语听力2024-04-21 19:26:09小编



What does "线头" mean?

The term "线头" refers to one end or tip of a line, as well as the starting or ending part of a line. It can be used to connect, secure, or support objects, as well as transmit information. In daily life, we often use various types of "线头", such as power cord ends, telephone line ends, Ethernet cable ends, and so on.


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"线头" is commonly used as a noun and can be used alone or in combination with other words. It can refer to a part of an object or the function that an object has. In industrial production, "线头" is often used to connect different devices or fix parts. In daily life, we also often use various types of "线头" to meet different needs.


1. 这条电源线头损坏了,需要更换一条新的。(The end of this power cord is damaged and needs to be replaced with a new one.)

2. 请确保线头连接到正确的插孔。(Please make sure the telephone line end is connected to the correct socket.)

3. 网线头被插入了错误的端口,导致网络无法连接。(The Ethernet cable end was plugged into the wrong port, causing the network to be unable to connect.)

4. 我们需要一个强大的固定线头来支撑这个大型展览。(We need a strong fixed end to support this large exhibition.)

5. 这种新型的传输线头可以提高数据传输速度。(This new type of transmission end can improve data transfer speed.)


1. 线尾 (xiàn wěi):指线的另一端或者末端,与"线头"相对应。

2. 接口 (jiē kǒu):指连接两个设备或者物体的部分,也可以用来指代连接两个或者软件的部分。

3. 插头 (chā tóu):指连接电源或者电器设备的一端,也可以指代其他类型的接口。

4. 端口 (duān kǒu):指计算机或网络设备的物理接口,用来连接其他设备或者网络。

5. 出 (chū rù kǒu):指物体或者场所的进出通道,也可以用来指代连接两个地方或者的接口。

Synonyms and Usage

1. 线尾 (xiàn wěi): refers to the other end or tip of a line, opposite to "线头".

2. 接口 (jiē kǒu): refers to the part that connects two devices or objects, and can also be used to refer to the part that connects two systems or software.

3. 插头 (chā tóu): refers to one end that connects power or electrical equipment, and can also refer to other types of interfaces.

4. 端口 (duān kǒu): refers to the physical interface of a computer system or network device, used to connect other devices or networks.

5. 出 (chū rù kǒu): refers to the entrance and exit of an object or place, and can also be used to refer to the interface that connects two places or systems.


