
英语听力2024-04-21 22:24:21小编




Integrated community planning refers to the process of improving and enhancing community development by integrating community resources and implementing a series of measures. It aims to promote coordinated development in various aspects of the community, including economy, society, culture, environment, etc., in order to improve the quality of life for residents and achieve sustainable development.


[ɪntəˌɡreɪtɪd kəˈmjuːnəti ˈplænɪŋ]



Integrated community planning is usually carried out by government departments or professional organizations. It involves multiple fields and requires thorough research and analysis to develop a plan that fits the local situation. At the same time, it also needs to solicit opinions and participation from residents to ensure the feasibility and effectiveness of the plan.


1. 综合社区规划的目的是为了改善社区内的基础设施,提高居民的生活质量。

The aim of integrated community planning is to improve the infrastructure and enhance the quality of life for residents in the community.

2. 部门将会与专业合作,共同制定综合社区规划方案。

The government departments will work with professional organizations to develop integrated community planning schemes.

3. 综合社区规划需要充分考虑当地的文化、历史和社会背景。

Integrated community planning needs to take into account local culture, history, and social background.

4. 居民可以通过参与讨论会或填写调查问卷来表达对综合社区规划的意见和建议。

Residents can express their opinions and suggestions on integrated community planning by participating in discussions or filling out questionnaires.

5. 综合社区规划是实现可持续发展的重要手段,可以帮助提高社区居民的生活质量并促进经济发展。

Integrated community planning is an important means of achieving sustainable development, which can help improve the quality of life for residents and promote economic development.



Integrated community planning can also be referred to as community comprehensive development planning, community holistic planning, etc. Their meanings and usage are basically the same, all referring to the planning of improving community development by integrating resources.


