
英语听力2024-04-21 22:38:13小编




Green Forest (noun): A dense forest with high vegetation cover, usually presenting a deep green landscape. It is one of the most primitive and beautiful ecosystems in nature, and also one of the most important resources on Earth. Green forests not only protect the environment and maintain climate balance, but also provide various functions such as human leisure and entertainment, food and medicinal resource collection.


Green Forest [griːn ˈfɒrɪst]



Green Forest can be used to describe a forest area with dense vegetation and deep green color, or used as a noun to refer to a specific forest region. In addition, it can also be used metaphorically to describe an environment or atmosphere that is quiet, peaceful and natural.


1. The green forest is home to many rare species of plants and animals.


2. The air in the green forest is so fresh and clean.


3. We went for a hike in the green forest yesterday.


4. The hotel room has a balcony overlooking the beautiful green forest.


5. The peaceful atmosphere of the green forest helped me relax and unwind.



1. Woodland (noun): A land covered with trees; can also refer to a smaller area of trees within a larger forest.

Woodland (名词):被树木覆盖的土地;也可以指大型森林中较小的树木区域。

2. Verdant (adjective): Covered with lush green vegetation; can also describe something as being fresh and new.

Verdant (形容词):覆盖着茂密绿色植被的;也可以用来形容某物新鲜、崭新。

3. Lush (adjective): Covered with healthy and abundant vegetation; can also describe something as being luxurious and extravagant.

Lush (形容词):覆盖着健康丰富的植被;也可以用来形容某物豪华奢侈。

4. Canopy (noun): The upper layer of leaves and branches in a forest; can also refer to a shelter or covering.

Canopy (名词):森林中树叶和树枝的上层;也可以指遮蔽物或覆盖物。

5. Wooded (adjective): Covered with trees; can also describe something as being made of wood.

Wooded (形容词):被树木覆盖的;也可以用来形容某物由木材制成。



In summary, green forests are areas with good ecological environment and dense vegetation, which have important ecological and economic value. They not only provide natural resources for human beings, but also bring us beautiful landscapes and peaceful atmosphere. Let's all work together to protect green forests and create a better home for our planet.
