
英语听力2024-04-22 00:03:40小编



How to pronounce: [wèi zhàn guī huà jiàn shè yǔ guǎn lǐ wéi hù]

Usage: 网站规划建设与管理维护是一个持续性的工作,需要不断地更新和优化网站内容,以适应不断变化的市场需求。

Example sentences:

1. Our company has a dedicated team for website planning, construction and maintenance. (我们公司有专门的团队负责网站规划、建设和维护。)

2. The success of a website relies heavily on its planning, construction and maintenance. (一个网站的成功与否在很大程度上取决于它的规划、建设和维护。)

3. It is important to have a clear plan for website development and regular maintenance to ensure its smooth operation. (制定明确的网站发展计划并定期进行维护是保证其顺利运行的重要举措。)

4. The company hired a professional team to handle the website planning, construction and maintenance. (公司聘请了专业团队来处理网站规划、建设和维护。)

5. The website has been well-planned and maintained, providing users with a great online experience. (这个网站经过精心规划和维护,为用户提供了良好的在线体验。)

Synonyms and usage:

1. 网站设计与运营 (website design and operation)

2. 网站开发与管理 (website development and management)

3. 网站维护与更新 (website maintenance and updates)

4. 在线规划与运营 (online platform planning and operation)

Editor's summary:

