
英语听力2024-04-22 00:26:02小编



How to pronounce: bà chù (bà-chù)


1. In the political field, impeachment is a common form of removal of a leader from office.

2. In the business world, executives can be dismissed or removed from their positions for various reasons.

3. In legal terms, a person's professional license or rights can be revoked through the process of disbarment.


1. The president was impeached and subsequently removed from office for his involvement in the scandal.


2. The CEO was dismissed from his position due to financial misconduct.


3. The lawyer was disbarred for violating the code of ethics.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Dismiss: to officially remove someone from their job or position.


2. Depose: to remove someone from a powerful position, especially in a political context.


3. Oust: to force someone out of a position of power or authority.


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