
英语听力2024-04-22 02:03:03小编



英文解释:The meaning of "老牛舐犊" is to refer to the behavior of older people teaching younger people and imparting experience and knowledge. This idiom originated from ancient China's agricultural society, where oxen were important labor force. Young oxen needed to be taught by older ones how to plow and pull carts, ensuring a good harvest. Therefore, "老牛舐犊" is also used to metaphorically describe the behavior of elders teaching younger generations.

二:怎么读(音标):lǎo niú shì dù



1. 在传统文化中,老牛舐犊被视为一种美德,长辈教导晚辈是一种责任和义务。

In traditional Chinese culture, "老牛舐犊" is seen as a virtue, and it is the responsibility and duty of elders to teach younger generations.

2. 我们应该尊重年长者,虚心学习他们的经验,因为老牛舐犊才能让我们成为更好的人。

We should respect our elders and humbly learn from their experiences, because only by following the example of "老牛舐犊" can we become better people.

3. 爷爷经常对我说,要像老牛舐犊一样,耐心教导弟弟妹妹,帮助他们成长。

My grandfather often tells me to be like an old ox, patiently teaching my younger siblings and helping them grow.

4. 老师对学生应该像老牛舐犊一样,耐心教导他们知识和道德准则。

Teachers should treat their students like old oxen, patiently teaching them knowledge and moral principles.

5. 她的父亲总是像老牛舐犊一样关心她的学习和生活,从不吝啬对她的爱和关怀。

Her father always cares for her studies and life like an old ox, never hesitating to show his love and care for her.


