
英语听力2024-04-22 03:43:00小编



The meaning of the Xiao Zhijun case is that Chinese prominent entrepreneur Xiao Zhijun was investigated by the public security authorities for alleged crimes such as embezzlement, bribery, and abuse of power, and was ultimately sentenced to 15 years in prison. This case has attracted widespread attention in Chinese society and has become an important case in China's fight against corruption.


肖志案的拼音为 xiāo zhì jūn àn,读作 /ʃiˈaʊ ʒiː dʒuːn æns/。

The pinyin for Xiao Zhijun case is xiāo zhì jūn àn, pronounced as /ʃiˈaʊ ʒiː dʒuːn æns/.



The Xiao Zhijun case is commonly used in news reports, legal documents and other formal occasions to refer to this particular case. It can also be expressed as "Xiao Zhijun arrested" or "Xiao Zhijun on trial" to describe related events.


1. 肖志案在败斗争中起到了重要的示范作用。

The Xiao Zhijun case has played an important exemplary role in China's fight against corruption.

2. 肖志因涉嫌受贿、等罪名被立案调查。

Xiao Zhijun was investigated for alleged crimes such as embezzlement, bribery, and abuse of power.

3. 经过长达一年的审理,肖志最终被判处十五年。

After a year-long trial, Xiao Zhijun was ultimately sentenced to 15 years in prison.

4. 肖志案件的审理过程中,公诉方提供了大量证据证明其犯罪事实。

During the trial of the Xiao Zhijun case, the prosecution provided a large amount of evidence to prove his criminal acts.

5. 这起肖志案引发了公众对败斗争的关注和讨论。

This Xiao Zhijun case has sparked public attention and discussion on the fight against corruption.


1. 肖案 (xiāo àn):指肖志案件的简称,常用于新闻报道中。

Xiao case: a shortened form of the Xiao Zhijun case, commonly used in news reports.

2. 肖志案件 (xiāo zhì jūn àn jiàn):与肖志案意思相同,更加正式和全面的表达方式。

Xiao Zhijun case: has the same meaning as Xiao Zhijun case, but is a more formal and comprehensive expression.

3. 受贿案 (tān wū shòu huì àn):指涉嫌受贿的案件,与肖志案类似。

Embezzlement and bribery case: refers to cases involving embezzlement and bribery, similar to the Xiao Zhijun case.

4. 败斗争 (fǎn fú bài dòu zhēng):指针对现象的斗争行动,肖志案是败斗争中的重要一环。

Fight against corruption: refers to actions taken against corruption, and the Xiao Zhijun case is an important part of the fight against corruption.


