
英语听力2024-04-22 04:47:02小编




"Down-to-earth" means to be practical, steadfast, and not impulsive or illusory. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a calm, cautious, and practical attitude in everything you do, not being swayed or tempted by outside influences, and focusing on your goals and taking action.


[daʊn tə ɜːθ]



"Down-to-earth" is generally used to describe people's attitudes and behaviors, indicating that they are serious and responsible in their work, not boastful, have clear goals, and take action. It can also be used to describe something or a plan that is practical and feasible, not just an empty idea or an illusion.


1. 他是一个脚踏实地的人,从来不会被表面的虚荣所迷惑。

He is a down-to-earth person and is never swayed by superficial vanity.

2. 她总是保持脚踏实地的态度,认真地完成每一项工作。

She always maintains a down-to-earth attitude and completes every task conscientiously.

3. 这个计划看起来很脚踏实地,我相信我们可以顺利实现它。

This plan seems very down-to-earth, I believe we can successfully implement it.

4. 他是一个务实的领导者,总能带领团队朝着目标稳步前进。

He is a pragmatic leader who always leads the team steadily towards the goal.

5. 她的成功离不开她一贯脚踏实地、勤奋努力的。

Her success is inseparable from her consistent down-to-earth and hardworking spirit.


1. 踏实 (tà shí):也指做事务实、稳重,但强调更多的是心态和情绪上的稳定和安定。

2. 实干家 (shí gàn jiā):指做事务实、有行动力,强调实际行动和勤奋努力的能力。

3. 老实 (lǎo shí):也指做事务实、稳重,但更多地强调诚实、正直的品质。

4. 稳重 (wěn zhòng):也指做事务实、稳重,但更多地强调沉着冷静、不轻率的态度。

5. 踏脚石 (tà jiǎo shí):比喻在前进过程中起到支撑和帮助作用的人或事物。

1. Practical: It also means to be practical and steadfast, but emphasizes more on the stability and steadiness of mentality and emotions.

2. Go-getter: It refers to being practical and action-oriented, emphasizing the ability to take practical actions and work hard.

3. Honest: It also means to be practical and steadfast, but emphasizes more on the qualities of honesty and integrity.

4. Steady: It also means to be practical and steadfast, but emphasizes more on the calmness and non-impulsiveness attitude.

5. Stepping stone: Metaphorically refers to a person or thing that plays a supportive or helpful role in the process of progress.


