
英语听力2024-04-22 05:46:02小编




Natural resting place refers to a place where people seek peace and tranquility in life, usually away from noise and stress in a natural environment. This word can be used to describe the state of relaxation and tranquility that one longs for deep in their heart, or it can refer to a place with special significance, such as the final resting place of a person.


自然安息角 [zì rán ān xī jiǎo]



Natural resting place can be used as a noun, representing the psychological state of longing for relaxation and tranquility, or it can refer to a place with special significance. It is often used in literary works, poems, films and other artistic works to express insights on themes such as life and death, peace and tranquility.


1. She found her natural resting place in the mountains, away from the chaos of the city.


2. The old man's natural resting place was under the big tree in his backyard.


3. The beach has always been my natural resting place, where I can forget all my worries.


4. In his final moments, he longed for a peaceful natural resting place for his soul.


5. The cemetery is a natural resting place for our loved ones who have passed away.



1. 安详之地(tranquil spot):指一个平静、宁静的地方,可以用来形容人们寻求心灵平静和放松的地方。

2. 安宁之所(haven):指一个安全、舒适和宁静的地方,通常用来形容逃离压力和烦恼的地方。

3. 心灵净土(soul sanctuary):指一个可以给人心灵带来宁静和平静的地方,通常用来形容一个人内心深处的渴望。

4. 乐土(paradise):指一个理想的、完美的、宁静的地方,通常用来形容天堂或者梦想中的理想境地。

1. Tranquil spot: refers to a calm and peaceful place, can be used to describe a place where people seek peace of mind and relaxation.

2. Haven: refers to a safe, comfortable and peaceful place, usually used to describe a place where one can escape from stress and worries.

3. Soul sanctuary: refers to a place that can bring peace and tranquility to one's soul, often used to describe the innermost desires of a person.

4. Paradise: refers to an ideal, perfect and peaceful place, often used to describe heaven or an ideal state in dreams.



In conclusion, natural resting place is a poetic word that not only refers to the psychological state of longing for relaxation and tranquility, but also represents contemplation on themes such as life and death, peace and tranquility. In literary works, it is often used to express discussions on the meaning and values of life. At the same time, it can also be seen as a beautiful aspiration, representing people's pursuit of inner peace and tranquility. Let us all find our own natural resting place, away from noise and stress, and appreciate the beauty of life in tranquility.
