
英语听力2024-04-22 07:13:00小编




Good day (meaningful day) refers to a good time for doing something, and can also be used to describe a lucky and auspicious day. In traditional Chinese culture, good days are often used to refer to dates suitable for important events such as weddings, opening ceremonies, and travels.


liáng chén jí rì [liáng chén jí rì]



Good day is usually used as a noun, it can be used alone or in combination with other words. For example, "Today is a good day", "We chose a good day to hold the wedding".


1. 今天是个良辰吉日,我们一起去祈福吧。

Today is a good day, let's go pray together.

2. 我们选了一个良辰吉日举办婚礼,希望能够有个美好的开始。

We chose a good day to hold the wedding, hoping for a happy beginning.

3. 明天是良辰吉日,我们一起去旅行吧。

Tomorrow is a good day, let's travel together.

4. 他们选择了一个良辰吉日开张,生意一直很兴隆。

They chose a good day to open their business, and it has been thriving ever since.

5. 在传统文化中,很多人会选择良辰吉日结婚。

In traditional Chinese culture, many people choose a good day to get married.


1. 吉日:指吉祥、幸运的日子,与良辰吉日意思相近,但更常用于形容日期本身的好坏。比如“今天是个吉日”。

2. 吉时:指适宜做某件事情的时间段,也可以用来形容一个顺利、顺心的时刻。比如“现在正是我们的吉时”。

3. 吉利:指具有祥瑞、幸运之意。比如“这个地方气息非常吉利”。

4. 吉祥:指具有喜庆、祥和之意。比如“新年到来之际,我们都会祈求一番吉祥”。

5. 吉兆:指吉祥的征兆,预示着好运即将来临。比如“看到这只白鹤,一定是个吉兆”。

Synonyms and usage:

1. Good day: refers to a lucky and auspicious day, similar to the meaning of good day, but more commonly used to describe the goodness of the date itself. For example, "Today is a good day".

2. Lucky hour: refers to a time period suitable for doing something, and can also be used to describe a smooth and satisfactory moment. For example, "Now is our lucky hour".

3. Auspicious: refers to having an auspicious and lucky meaning. For example, "This place has a very auspicious atmosphere".

4. Propitious: refers to having a festive and harmonious meaning. For example, "On the occasion of the New Year, we all pray for good luck".

5. Good omen: refers to an auspicious omen that indicates that good luck is coming. For example, "Seeing this white crane must be a good omen".


