
英语听力2024-04-22 08:52:02小编




What does "花红" mean?

"Hua hong" refers to a gift of money given by an employer or elder to an employee or younger person on traditional Chinese holidays or special occasions. It can also refer to extra bonuses received by certain professions during holidays or special occasions. It is usually given in the form of cash, but can also be in the form of physical gifts.


花红 (huā hóng)




As a gift of money, "hua hong" is usually given by an employer or elder to an employee or younger person, expressing gratitude and blessings. In certain professions, it may also be given as an extra bonus. In traditional Chinese culture, "hua hong" holds significant social and symbolic meanings.


1. 在春节,公司会给我们发放一笔花红作为节日福利。

During the Spring Festival, the company will give us a "hua hong" as a holiday bonus.

2. 作为一名老师,我每年都能收到学生们的花红,感觉很温暖。

As a teacher, I receive "hua hong" from my students every year, which makes me feel warm.

3. 收到家人给予的花红,让我感受到他们对我的关爱和祝福。

Receiving "hua hong" from my family makes me feel their love and blessings.

4. 在传统文化中,给予花红是表达尊重和感谢的一种方式。

In traditional Chinese culture, giving "hua hong" is a way to show respect and gratitude.

5. 某些特定职业如服务员、保安等,在节假日或者特殊场合也可以收到额外的花红。

Certain professions such as waiters and security guards may also receive extra "hua hong" during holidays or special occasions.


1. 压岁钱 (yā suì qián): 类似于花红,在传统节日时长辈给予晚辈的礼金。

2. 红包 (hóng bāo): 通常指在节日或者特殊场合给予的红色包裹,里面装有现金或礼物。

3. 奖金 (jiǎng jīn): 指工作表现优异后获得的额外报酬。

Synonyms and usage:

1. "Ya sui qian" (New Year's money): Similar to "hua hong", it is a gift of money given by elders to younger family members during traditional Chinese holidays.

2. "Hong bao" (red envelope): Usually refers to a red packet given during holidays or special occasions, containing cash or gifts.

3. "Jiang jin" (bonus): Refers to extra compensation received for outstanding work performance.


