
英语听力2024-04-22 09:40:29小编


1. 苟延残喘是指艰难地继续存活或坚持下去,形容处于困境中仍然不放弃的顽强生命力。

How to pronounce: gǒu yán cán chuǎn (gou2 yan2 can2 chuan3)

Usage: 苟延残喘通常用来形容人或事物在经历挑战、困难或危险时仍然坚持不懈的状态。

Example sentences:

1. 在经济危机的冲击下,这家小企业苟延残喘了两年,最终还是无法挺过去。(In the face of economic crisis, this small business struggled for two years but still couldn't survive in the end.)

2. 尽管受伤严重,这位运动员还是苟延残喘地完成了比赛。(Despite being seriously injured, this athlete still managed to finish the race with great perseverance.)

3. 这个已经陷入内战多年,但人民仍然苟延残喘地生活着。(This country has been in a civil war for many years, but its people are still surviving with great resilience.)

4. 在这个竞争激烈的行业里,只有那些能够苟延残喘的公司才能生存下来。(In this highly competitive industry, only those companies that can persevere can survive.)

5. 即使面对巨大的挑战,我们也要苟延残喘地坚持自己的梦想。(Even in the face of great challenges, we must persevere and hold onto our dreams.)

Synonyms and usage: 坚持不懈、顽强生存、顽强抗争、艰难求生

Editor's summary: 苟延残喘是一个形容词性短语,指处于困境中仍然坚持不懈的状态。它可以用来形容人或事物在经历挑战、困难或危险时仍然坚持不懈的顽强生命力。它的同义词有坚持不懈、顽强生存等,都是形容人或事物在困境中继续前进的意思。苟延残喘这个词汇常用于文学作品或口语中,具有一定的修辞效果。
