
英语听力2024-04-22 09:46:17小编




Ruo Sang Kao Bin means that when facing difficulties or setbacks, a person loses courage and confidence, gives up efforts and hopes, and is in a negative state of mind. This term is often used to describe a person's mentality after encountering setbacks in life.


ruò sàng kǎo bǐn



Ruo Sang Kao Bin can be used as an adjective or a verb. As an adjective, it can be used to describe a person's mentality; as a verb, it can indicate a person giving up efforts, losing confidence and hope.


1. 她遇到挫折后变得若丧考妣,整天愁眉苦脸。

She became Ruo Sang Kao Bin after encountering setbacks and had a gloomy face all day long.

2. 面对失败,他并没有若丧考妣,而是继续努力。

Facing failure, he did not become Ruo Sang Kao Bin, but continued to work hard.

3. 他的若丧考妣态度让他失去了很多机会。

His Ruo Sang Kao Bin attitude has caused him to miss many opportunities.

4. 她的乐观态度总能帮助她克服若丧考妣的心情。

Her optimistic attitude always helps her overcome the mentality of Ruo Sang Kao Bin.

5. 当你遇到挫折时,不要变得若丧考妣,要保持信心和勇气。

When you encounter setbacks, do not become Ruo Sang Kao Bin, but keep your confidence and courage.


1. 绝望(jué wàng):形容一个人完全失去希望,没有任何出路。与若丧考妣相比,绝望更加强烈。

2. 沮丧(jǔ sàng):形容一个人因为失败或挫折而心情低落。与若丧考妣相比,沮丧更加暂时和轻微。

3. 失意(shī yì):形容一个人因为遭受打击或失去某种东西而感到失落和沮丧。与若丧考妣相比,失意更加专注于某一方面的挫折。

4. 失望(shī wàng):形容一个人对未来或期望的事物感到失望和沮丧。与若丧考妣相比,失望更多指对外部因素的失望。

5. 灰心(huī xīn):形容一个人因为失败或挫折而丧失信心和希望。与若丧考妣相比,灰心更多指暂时的心情。

Synonyms and usage:

1. Despair (jué wàng): Describes a person who has completely lost hope and has no way out. Compared with Ruo Sang Kao Bin, despair is more intense.

2. Depressed (jǔ sàng): Describes a person who feels low because of failure or setbacks. Compared with Ruo Sang Kao Bin, depression is temporary and mild.

3. Frustrated (shī yì): Describes a person who feels lost and depressed due to setbacks or loss of something. Compared with Ruo Sang Kao Bin, frustration focuses more on specific setbacks.

4. Disappointed (shī wàng): Describes a person who feels disappointed and depressed about the future or expected things. Compared with Ruo Sang Kao Bin, disappointment refers more to external factors.

5. Discouraged (huī xīn): Describes a person who loses confidence and hope due to failure or setbacks. Compared with Ruo Sang Kao Bin, being discouraged refers more to temporary mood.


