英文释义:Absurdity refers to things or statements that are bizarre, ridiculous, illogical, baseless or lacking in reason. It is often used to describe situations that are difficult to understand or accept.
二:怎么读(音标):huāng dǎn bù jīng
1. 这个故事太荒诞不经了,我完全无法相信。
This story is so absurd that I can't believe it at all.
2. 他的想法太荒诞不经了,没有任何人会支持他。
His ideas are too absurd for anyone to support.
3. 这部电影被批评为荒诞不经的剧本和演出。
The film was criticized for its absurd plot and performances.
4. 我们不能让这种荒诞不经的行为继续下去。
We cannot allow such absurd behavior to continue.
5. 他的说法完全是一派胡言,毫无根据,简直就是荒诞不经。
His statement is completely nonsense, baseless and utterly absurd.
1. 荒谬 (huāng miù):指荒诞不经的事物或言论,更强调其荒谬可笑。
2. 荒唐 (huāng táng):指言行离奇、不合理,甚至有些可悲可笑。
3. 荒诞无稽 (huāng dǎn wú jī):指毫无根据、没有道理的言论或行为。
4. 可笑 (kě xiào):指令人发笑或觉得滑稽,但并非完全荒诞不经。
5. 荒谬绝伦 (huāng miù jué lún):指极度荒谬、离奇到难以想象的程度。