荡气回肠(dàng qīng huí cháng)是一个汉语成语,指某种声音或感情激动的程度深刻,使人感慨万千。通常用来形容某种场景或给人带来强烈的震撼和感动。
dàng qīng huí cháng [dɑŋ tɕiŋ xweɪ tʂʰɑŋ]
1. 这部电影讲述了一段令人心碎的爱情故事,看得我心里荡气回肠。
This movie tells a heartbreaking love story that left me feeling deeply moved.
2. 音乐会上小提琴演奏家的精湛技艺让观众们陶醉,整个大厅都充满了荡气回肠的美妙音符。
The violinist's exquisite performance at the concert left the audience enraptured, filling the entire hall with enchanting and moving melodies.
3. 这首歌的歌词充满了对生活的热爱和感激,每次听都让我心中荡气回肠。
The lyrics of this song are filled with love and gratitude for life, and every time I listen to it, my heart is deeply moved.
4. 那位老人讲述了他在战争中的经历,令人难忘的故事让我们都感受到了荡气回肠的力量。
The old man shared his experiences in the war, and his unforgettable story left us all feeling the power of being deeply moved.
5. 这幅画所表现出来的情感让人们仿佛置身其中,荡气回肠,仿佛能听到画中人物心中的声音。
The emotions portrayed in this painting make people feel as if they were immersed in it, deeply moved, as if they could hear the voices in the hearts of the characters in the painting.