
英语听力2024-04-22 15:34:10小编



How to pronounce: pú liǔ zhī zhì (pinyin)

Usage: 这个词语通常用来形容女性或者某些文艺作品中的女性形象。

Example sentences:

1. 她有着蒲柳之质的气质,总是给人一种温和而又坚定的感觉。

She has the gentle and yet firm nature of a willow, always giving people a sense of warmth.

2. 她那双明亮的眼睛透露出她内心深处蒲柳之质般的温柔。

Her bright eyes reveal the gentle nature of a willow deep within her heart.

3. 她那优雅的举止和柔和的声音都散发出一种蒲柳之质般的魅力。

Her elegant demeanor and gentle voice exude a charm reminiscent of the softness of a willow.

4. 这部电影中女主角展现出了一种典型的蒲柳之质,令人印象深刻。

The female lead in this movie embodies the typical gentle nature of a willow, leaving a deep impression.

5. 她的外表看起来柔弱,但实际上她有着坚韧的内心,是一位具有蒲柳之质的女性。

She may seem fragile on the outside, but she has a strong inner strength and possesses the gentle nature of a willow.

Synonyms and usage: 柔弱 (róu ruò) - weak, delicate

温柔 (wēn róu) - gentle, tender

温和 (wēn hé) - mild, moderate

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