
英语听力2024-04-22 17:09:01小编


虽然(suī rán):表示事物之间的关系,用来引出一个让人感到意外或者出乎意料的结果。

Although: expressing a relationship between things, used to introduce a result that is surprising or unexpected.


suī rán (swee run)



"Although" is usually used at the beginning of a sentence to introduce a surprising or unexpected result. It can connect two contrasting and opposite contents, and can also express a contrasting relationship. In addition, it can also be used to express a hypothetical assumption, leading to a hypothetical condition and result.


1. 虽然他很努力学习,但是考试还是没及格。

Although he studied hard, he still failed the exam.

2. 虽然天气很热,但是他还是坚持跑步锻炼。

Although the weather was hot, he still insisted on running for exercise.

3. 虽然这个小镇不大,但是景色非常美丽。

Although this town is small, the scenery is very beautiful.

4. 虽然她很害羞,但是在舞台上她却表现得非常自信。

Although she is shy, she performs very confidently on stage.

5. 虽然他们是同学,但是性格却截然不同。

Although they are classmates, their personalities are completely different.


尽管(jǐn guǎn):表示两个事物之间的关系,用来引出一个意料之外的结果。

Even though: expressing a relationship between two things, used to introduce an unexpected result.

即使(jí shǐ):也表示两个事物之间的关系,用来引出一个意料之外的结果。

Even if: also expressing a relationship between two things, used to introduce an unexpected result.

纵然(zòng rán):也表示两个事物之间的关系,用来引出一个意料之外的结果。与“虽然”相比,它更加正式和书面化。

Despite: also expressing a relationship between two things, used to introduce an unexpected result. Compared with "although", it is more formal and written.


