
英语听力2024-04-22 17:12:02小编



How to read: yǐ [iː]

Usage: 蚁 can be used as a noun, referring to the insect ant.

Example Sentences:

1. 我们在花园里了一群红色的蚂蚁。

We found a group of red ants in the garden.

2. 蚁巢被雨水冲毁了。

The ant nest was washed away by the rain.

3. 这种蚂蚁具有很强的攻击性。

This type of ant has a strong aggressive nature.

4. 蜜源被大量的蚂蚁包围着。

The honey source was surrounded by a large number of ants.

5. 这些小型动物中,只有蚂蚁具有高度组织化的社会结构。

Among these small animals, only ants have highly organized social structures.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 螞蟻 (mǎyǐ) - another term for ant, commonly used in Cantonese

2. 蟻族 (yǐzú) - refers to a group of people who work hard and diligently like ants

3. 蟻穴 (yǐxué) - ant hole, used to describe a small and crowded place

4. 螞蚱 (mǎzhà) - refers to grasshoppers, but can also be used as a synonym for ants in some dialects

5. 白蟻 (báiyǐ) - termite, a type of insect similar to ants but with different characteristics

Editor's Summary:

蚁 is a common insect known for its social nature and organized colonies. It is widely distributed around the world and has over 10,000 species. In Chinese culture, ants symbolize hard work and diligence, making it a popular metaphor in literature and idioms. It can also be used in various idiomatic expressions to describe different situations or characteristics. As an editor, it is important to provide accurate and informative definitions for words like 蚁 to help readers understand their meaning and usage in different contexts.
