
英语听力2024-04-22 19:18:20小编




Blood Coast Enmity (English) Explanation:

Blood Coast Enmity refers to the intense ile emotions that arise due to certain reasons, usually involving blood relations or regional connections. This emotion is often accompanied by complex interpersonal relationships and deep emotional entanglements, which can lead to violent conflicts or long-term disharmony.


[xiě àn qíng chóu]


/ˈblʌd kəʊst ˈɛnəmi/




Blood Coast Enmity is commonly used to describe complex and intense ile relationships, and can be used as a noun or an adjective. As a noun, it can refer to the hatred between specific individuals, groups or regions; as an adjective, it indicates the ile emotions related to blood relations or regional connections.


1. 他们之间的血岸情仇已经持续了数代人,无法化解。

Their Blood Coast Enmity has lasted for generations and cannot be resolved.

2. 这场战争的起因是两个邻近之间的血岸情仇。

The cause of this war is the Blood Coast Enmity between two neighboring countries.

3. 他们虽然是同一个家族,却因为血岸情仇而不断对立。

Although they belong to the same family, they have been in constant conflict due to Blood Coast Enmity.

4. 这部电影展现了两个家族之间的血岸情仇,让观众感受到了深刻的敌对情绪。

This movie depicts the Blood Coast Enmity between two families, allowing the audience to experience intense ile emotions.

5. 血岸情仇是这个地期存在的问题,需要通过和解来解决。

Blood Coast Enmity has been a long-standing issue in this region and needs to be resolved through reconciliation.


1. 宿怨(sù yuàn):指长期积累的仇恨和怨恨,常常由于某种或者原因而产生。与血岸情仇类似,但宿怨更强调长期的积累。

2. 矛盾(máo dùn):指不同的利益、观念或者立场之间的和矛盾。与血岸情仇不同,矛盾可以是暂时的,也可以通过协商解决。

3. 敌对(dí duì):指敌对双方之间的关系或者态度。与血岸情仇相比,敌对更加广泛,可以包括各种不同类型的关系。

4. 仇恨(chóu hèn):指出于某种原因而产生的憎恨和敌意。与血岸情仇类似,但仇恨可以是任何形式的。

5. 纠葛(jiū gé):指复杂而深刻的纠缠和牵连。与血岸情仇相比,纠葛更加广泛,并且可以包含多种因素。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Grudges: Refers to long-standing hatred and resentment, often caused by certain events or reasons. Similar to Blood Coast Enmity, but grudges emphasize long-term accumulation.

2. Contradictions: Refers to conflicts and contradictions between different interests, ideas or positions. Unlike Blood Coast Enmity, contradictions can be temporary and can be resolved through negotiation.

3. Hostility: Refers to the relationship or attitude between ile parties. Compared with Blood Coast Enmity, ility is more extensive and can include various types of relationships.

4. Hatred: Refers to hatred and enmity caused by certain reasons. Similar to Blood Coast Enmity, but hatred can take any form.

5. Entanglement: Refers to complex and profound entanglements and involvements. Compared with Blood Coast Enmity, entanglements are more extensive and can involve multiple factors.


