
英语听力2024-04-22 19:22:02小编




Blood-thirsty warrior is a fearless fighter, usually refers to the hero who can bravely kill enemies on the battlefield. This term originated from the ancient Chinese military book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, which has a famous saying "Know thy enemy and know yourself, and you will win every battle." Blood-thirsty warrior refers to the brave warrior who can understand both the enemy and themselves, and fight fiercely to defeat the enemy.


血搏敌枭 [xuè bó dí xiāo]



Blood-thirsty warrior is usually used as a noun to describe brave, skilled fighters who can achieve victory on the battlefield. This term can be used to describe heroes in the military field, as well as people with courage and determination in other fields.


1. 这位将被誉为血搏敌枭,他率领在战场上取得了多次胜利。

This general is known as a blood-thirsty warrior, he led his troops to win multiple victories on the battlefield.

2. 古代的将都希望自己的部下能够成为血搏敌枭,因为这样才能保证战争的胜利。

Ancient Chinese generals all hoped that their soldiers could become blood-thirsty warriors, because only in this way could they ensure victory in war.

3. 在这次战争中,那位年轻的将展现出了血搏敌枭般的勇气和智慧,最终带领获得了胜利。

In this war, the young general showed bravery and wisdom like a blood-thirsty warrior, and eventually led his troops to victory.

4. 她是一位真正的血搏敌枭,不惧任何困难和挑战,总是勇往直前。

She is a true blood-thirsty warrior, fearless of any difficulties and challenges, always moving forward courageously.

5. 那个的以血搏敌枭般的战斗力而闻名,很少有敌人能够抵挡他们的攻击。

The army of that country is renowned for its blood-thirsty warrior-like combat power, and few enemies can withstand their attacks.


1. 英勇无畏的战士(valiant warrior):指在战场上表现出英勇无畏、善于作战的勇士。

2. 勇猛善战的斗士(brave fighter):指在战场上表现出勇猛善战、能够取得胜利的斗士。

3. 强悍无畏的武士(fearless samurai):指具有强大实力和无畏的武士。

4. 无所畏惧的战神(fearless god of war):指在战场上无所畏惧、令人敬畏的强大战神。

5. 不屈不挠的勇士(unyielding warrior):指具有坚定意志和不屈不挠的勇士。


