
英语听力2024-04-22 22:28:02小编




To see the tiny details and understand the whole situation or judge the essence of things. This idiom comes from "The Analects of Confucius · Duke Ling", which originally means that drinking is easy, but killing is difficult. Later it was extended to mean that observing the details of things can lead to the big picture or truth.


jiàn wēi zhī zhù (jiàn wēi zhī zhù)



The usage of "见微知著" is usually to describe a person who can make correct judgments or discover the essence of problems through careful observation and analysis. It can also refer to a keen insight and judgment.


1. 只有通过细心观察,才能见微知著,问题的根源。(Only by careful observation can we see the tiny details and understand the root cause of the problem.)

2. 他的见微知著的能力让他在团队中成为了重要的决策者。(His ability to see the tiny details has made him an important decision maker in the team.)

3. 面对复杂的局面,我们需要有见微知著的能力来指导我们的决策。(In the face of complex situations, we need to have the ability to see the tiny details to guide our decision-making.)

4. 她总是能够通过观察细节来客户需求,这就是她出色的见微知著能力。(She is always able to discover customer needs through observing details, which is her excellent ability to see the tiny details.)

5. 在这个竞争激烈的市场上,见微知著可以让企业抓住市场机遇并保持竞争优势。(In this competitive market, seeing the tiny details can help companies seize market opportunities and maintain competitive advantage.)


1. 见机行事(jiàn jī xíng shì):根据具体情况灵活行动。

2. 见招拆招(jiàn zhāo chāi zhāo):指对敌人或对手的招数做出及时反应。

3. 见风使舵(jiàn fēng shǐ duò):根据形势变化及时调整方针和策略。

4. 见微知著是指通过观察微小的细节,就能够推断出整体的情况或者判断出事物的本质。这个成语源自《论语·卫灵公》,原文为“饮酒乐,难”,意为喝酒容易,但要却很难。后来被引申为观察事物细节可以得出大局或者。

To see the tiny details and understand the whole situation or judge the essence of things. This idiom comes from "The Analects of Confucius · Duke Ling", which originally means that drinking is easy, but killing is difficult. Later it was extended to mean that observing the details of things can lead to the big picture or truth.


