How to pronounce: guān wàng
Example sentences:
1. 我们应该先观望一下市场再做出投资决定。
We should wait and see the market before making any investment decisions.
2. 他一直保持着观望的态度,不轻易做出决定。
He always maintains a cautious attitude and doesn't make decisions easily.
3. 官员表示,他们将继续观望国内外形势,并根据情况作出调整。
Government officials said they will continue to observe the domestic and international situation and make adjustments accordingly.
4. 在这个关键时刻,我们不能只是坐视不管,而应该采取行动。
At this critical moment, we cannot just stand by and watch, we should take action.
5. 她一直在观望着周围的同学,寻找一个可以加入的小组。
She has been watching her classmates, looking for a group to join.
Synonyms and Usage:
1. 犹豫 (yóu yù):指在做决定时犹豫不决。
2. 等待 (děng dài):指暂时停止行动,等待某种情况发展或者更好的选择出现。
3. 观察 (guān chá):指仔细观察、检查某种情况或对象。
4. 谨慎 (jǐn shèn):指小心谨慎,不轻率行事。
5. 旁观 (páng guān):指旁边观看,不参与其中。
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