怎么读(音标):chù jiāo [chù jiāo]
例句1:The ship was sailing smoothly until it suddenly hit a reef and got grounded.(这艘船一直顺利航行,直到突然触礁搁浅。)
例句2:The company's profits have been decreasing over the past few years, and now they have finally run aground.(这家公司的利润在过去几年里一直在下降,现在终于搁浅了。)
例句3:The captain skillfully steered the ship away from the rocks, avoiding a potential grounding.(船长巧妙地将船驶离岩石,避免了可能的搁浅。)
例句4:The hikers were stranded on the island after their boat ran aground on a reef.(这些徒步旅行者因为船只在礁石上搁浅而被困在岛上。)
例句5:The team's plans were going smoothly until they hit a roadblock and had to come up with a new strategy.(这个团队的计划一直顺利进行,直到遇到了障碍,不得不想出新的策略。)