
英语听力2024-04-23 00:31:06小编




What does "special offer for booking" mean?

"Special offer for booking" refers to the special discount or promotion that is available when booking a hotel room. This offer may be provided by the hotel itself or by a third-party platform. The purpose of this offer is to attract more guests to choose the hotel and increase its occupancy rate.


订房特别优惠 [dìng fáng tè bié yōu huì]

How to pronounce:

Ding Fang Te Bie You Hui




The term "special offer for booking" is commonly used in promoting hotel's promotional activities, which can be seen on the hotel's official website, third-party booking platforms, or advertisements. Guests can use the corresponding promo code or link when making a reservation to enjoy the discount.


1. 这家酒店提供了订房特别优惠,只要使用优惠码就可以享受20%的折扣。

This hotel offers a special offer for booking, guests can enjoy a 20% discount by using the promo code.

2. 通过第三方预订,您可以获得更多的订房特别优惠。

By booking through third-party platforms, you can get more special offers for booking.

3. 酒店上有很多订房特别优惠的信息,您可以选择最适合您的那一项。

There are many special offers for booking on the hotel's official website, you can choose the one that suits you best.

4. 我们为会员提供额外的订房特别优惠,包括免费早餐和升级客房等。

We offer additional special offers for booking to our members, including free breakfast and room upgrades.

5. 如果您有任何疑问,请咨询我们的前台工作人员,他们会为您提供最新的订房特别优惠信息。

If you have any questions, please consult our front desk staff, they will provide you with the latest information on special offers for booking.


1. 订房折扣(booking discount):指在预订酒店时享受到的折扣优惠。

2. 预订特惠(booking promotion):指在预订酒店时可以享受到的特别优惠或促销活动。

3. 预订优惠(booking offer):指在预订酒店时可以享受到的折扣或其他优惠。

4. 提前预订优惠(early booking offer):指提前预订酒店可以享受到的折扣或其他优惠。

5. 订房特价(booking special):指在预订酒店时可以享受到的特别价格或促销活动。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Booking discount: refers to the discount offered when booking a hotel.

2. Booking promotion: refers to the special offers or promotions available when booking a hotel.

3. Booking offer: refers to the discount or other offers available when booking a hotel.

4. Early booking offer: refers to the discount or other offers available when booking a hotel in advance.

5. Booking special: refers to the special price or promotional activities available when booking a hotel.


订房特别优惠是一种吸引客人选择该酒店并提高入住率的促销手段。通过使用相应的优惠码或链接,客人可以在预订酒店时享受折扣。除了"special offer for booking"这个术语外,还有其他同义词如"booking discount"、"booking promotion"等。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,需要准确理解并解释这一术语的意思,同时也要注意使用相关的同义词来丰富表达。
