
英语听力2024-04-23 00:35:16小编



How to pronounce: [dìng huò huì]

Usage: 订货会通常由商家发起并邀请供应商参加,也可以由供应商主动邀请商家参加。在订货会上,双方可以面对面地进行谈判和沟通,以达成双方满意的交易。

Example sentences:

1. 我们公司将于下周举行订货会,欢迎您前来参加。

Our company will hold a procurement conference next week, and we welcome you to attend.

2. 订货会上,我们和供应商就价格进行了激烈的谈判。

At the procurement conference, we had intense negotiations with the supplier over the price.

3. 参加订货会是了解市场动态的好机会。

Attending a procurement conference is a good opportunity to understand market trends.

4. 通过订货会,我们找到了一家可靠的供应商。

Through the procurement conference, we found a reliable supplier.

5. 订货会结束后,我们与供应商签署了一份合同。

After the procurement conference, we signed a contract with the supplier.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 采购大会 (cǎi gòu dà huì) - procurement conference

2. 供销会 (gōng xiāo huì) - supply and marketing conference

3. 采购洽谈会 (cǎi gòu qià tán huì) - procurement negotiation conference

4. 采购交易会 (cǎi gòu jiāo yì huì) - procurement trade fair

Editor's summary: 订货会是商家和供应商之间达成商品交易的重要场合,通过面对面的谈判和沟通,双方可以达成满意的交易协议。同义词包括采购大会、供销会、采购洽谈会和采购交易会。
