
英语听力2024-04-23 01:17:14小编



How to pronounce: [ōu]

Usage: 讴 is usually used as a noun, meaning a type of ancient song, often performed at ceremonies or celebrations.

Example sentences:

1. 他们在村中唱着讴歌,向来宾展示着自己的文化遗产。

They sang songs of praise in the village, showcasing their cultural heritage to the guests.

2. 这首讴歌是为了纪念我们伟大的先祖而作。

This ode is composed in honor of our great ancestors.

3. 在古代,讴歌是用来赞颂君王和的。

In ancient times, odes were used to praise kings and heroes.

4. 他们用美妙的讴歌来感谢丰收和平安。

They expressed gratitude for the bountiful harvest and peace through beautiful odes.

5. 这首讴歌充满了对生活的热爱和感激之情。

This ode is filled with love and gratitude towards life.

Synonyms and usage: 赞歌 (zàngē) is a synonym for 讴 (ōu) and can also be used interchangeably in most cases. Both words refer to a type of song or poem that praises someone or something. However, 赞歌 (zàngē) can also be used to describe modern songs or poems with similar themes.

Editor's summary: 讴 (ōu) is a Chinese word that refers to a type of ancient song used for ceremonies and celebrations. It is often used as a noun and can be replaced by the synonym 赞歌 (zàngē).
