
英语听力2024-04-23 01:30:03小编




What does "论诗" mean in Chinese and English:

"Lùn shī" refers to the process of analyzing, evaluating and discussing poetry, as well as the study of poetic techniques and artistic expressions. In this process, people understand and appreciate poetry from multiple aspects such as language, form and content.


论诗:lùn shī

How to pronounce "论诗":

"Lùn shī"




"论诗" is commonly used in academic fields, especially in literary studies. It can be used as a verb to indicate the process of analyzing and evaluating one or more poems; it can also be used as a noun to refer to the study and discussion of poetry.


1. 他擅长论诗,对于古典诗歌的韵律和意境有着独到的见解。

He is good at discussing poetry and has unique insights into the rhythm and artistic conception of classical poetry.

2. 这篇文章是一篇关于现代诗歌的论文,作者从多个角度来分析当代诗歌的特点。

This article is a thesis on modern poetry, in which the author analyzes the characteristics of contemporary poetry from multiple perspectives.

3. 学术上,专家们就如何论诗进行了激烈的讨论。

At the academic conference, experts had heated debates on how to discuss poetry.

4. 他的论诗水平得到了同行们的认可,被邀请参加国际诗歌研究大会。

His level of discussing poetry has been recognized by his peers and he was invited to attend an international conference on poetry studies.

5. 这本书是一部关于古典诗歌的论著,包含了大量精彩的论诗文章。

This book is a treatise on Chinese classical poetry, containing a large number of excellent articles on discussing poetry.


1. 论文(lùn wén):也指学术性文章,但更偏重于对某一特定问题或现象进行性的研究和阐述。

2. 探讨(tàn tǎo):也指对某一问题或现象进行深入的研究和分析,但更偏重于探索性的讨论和思考。

3. 评价(píng jià):也指对某一作品或现象进行评判和评论,但更偏重于从价值观念、道德标准等方面来进行评判。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 论文 (lùn wén): It also refers to an academic article, but it focuses more on systematic research and exposition of a specific issue or phenomenon.

2. 探讨 (tàn tǎo): It also refers to in-depth research and analysis of a certain issue or phenomenon, but it emphasizes more on exploratory discussion and thinking.

3. 评价 (píng jià): It also refers to judging and commenting on a work or phenomenon, but it focuses more on evaluation based on values, moral standards, etc.


