
英语听力2024-04-23 02:02:01小编





"Identify" means to determine the truth, characteristics, identity, etc. of something or a situation through analysis, observation, or distinction. In the field of computer science, it can also refer to identifying numbers, text, images, etc. through algorithms or programs.


“识别”读作 [shí bié]

"Identify" is pronounced as [shí bié].



"Identify" can be used as a verb and a noun. As a verb, it is usually followed by an object and indicates the action of confirming or distinguishing something or a situation. As a noun, it usually refers to a device or system with specific functions.


1. 我们需要一种新的技术来更快地识别病毒。

We need a new technology to identify viruses faster.

2. 这种软件可以自动识别语音,让我们的工作更加高效。

This software can automatically identify speech, making our work more efficient.

3. 请你识别出这张图片中的所有物体。

Please identify all the objects in this picture.

4. 他有一种特殊的能力,可以轻易地识别出谁在说谎。

He has a special ability to easily identify who is lying.

5. 这台机器可以通过扫描二维码来识别产品的信息。

This machine can identify product information by scanning QR codes.


1. 辨认 (biàn rèn): 指通过观察、比较等方式来确认某物或某种情况的真实性、特征等。与“识别”相似,但强调更多的是视觉上的辨别。

2. 鉴定 (jiàn dìng): 指通过专业知识或技术手段来确认某物或某种情况的真实性、价值等。与“识别”相比,它更强调对事物本质和质量的判断。

3. 认定 (rèn dìng): 指经过判断和评估后确定某物或某种情况的真实性、正确性等。与“识别”相比,它更强调对事物的肯定和确认。

1. Recognize: means to confirm the truth, characteristics, etc. of something or a situation through observation or comparison. Similar to "identify", but emphasizes more on visual distinction.

2. Authenticate: means to confirm the truth, value, etc. of something or a situation through professional knowledge or technical means. Compared with "identify", it emphasizes more on judging the essence and quality of things.

3. Determine: means to determine the truth, correctness, etc. of something or a situation after judgment and evaluation. Compared with "identify", it emphasizes more on affirming and confirming things.


