What does "话不投机半句多" mean?
"话不投机半句多" means that two people are unable to communicate smoothly, and their words cannot reach a consensus. They often say many unrelated things to each other. This phrase can also be used to describe a tense relationship or lack of harmony between two people.
huà bù tóu jī bàn jù duō
/hwɑː buː təʊ dʒiː bæn dʒuː dəʊ/
1. 姐妹俩之间经常会有些小矛盾,所以每次见面都是话不投机半句多。
The two sisters often have small conflicts, so every time they meet, they can't communicate smoothly.
2. 他们俩从小就是死对头,每次见面都是话不投机半句多。
They have been enemies since childhood, and every time they meet, they can't communicate smoothly.
3. 我们之间的关系很紧张,每次见面都是话不投机半句多。
Our relationship is very tense, and every time we meet, we can't communicate smoothly.
4. 他们俩之间似乎有什么误会,每次见面都是话不投机半句多。
There seems to be a misunderstanding between them, and every time they meet, they can't communicate smoothly.
5. 这两个人从来就没有合拍过,每次交谈都是话不投机半句多。
These two people have never been in harmony, and every time they talk, they can't communicate smoothly.
1. 说话不投机:指两个人之间的话语无法达成共识,常常会说出许多不相关的话。
2. 沟通困难:指两个人之间无法顺畅地交流,彼此之间的话语无法达成共识。
3. 关系紧张:指两个人之间的关系紧张或者彼此不合拍。