
英语听力2024-04-23 03:40:59小编



英文解释:"Please go this way" means reminding or requesting someone to walk in the specified direction.

怎么读(音标):[pliːz ɡəʊ ðɪs weɪ]


例句1:当你来到机场,请跟着指示牌走,然后请这边走。 (When you arrive at the airport, please follow the signs and then go this way.)

例句2:请这边走,就能找到我们公司的处。(Please go this way and you will find the entrance of our company.)

例句3:在博物馆里,工作人员会提醒游客:“请这边走,欣赏这幅名画。”(In the museum, staff will remind visitors: "Please go this way to appreciate this famous painting.")

例句4:当你迷路时,可以问路人:“请问,请这边走怎么去市中心?”(When you get lost, you can ask someone for directions: "Excuse me, how can I go to the city center by going this way?")

例句5:导游会带领游客参观古镇,说:“请这边走,我们来看看这座古老的桥。”(The tour guide will lead the tourists to visit the ancient town and say: "Please go this way, let's take a look at this old bridge.")


编辑总结:"Please go this way"是一种礼貌的表达方式,用于指引他人朝指定方向行走。在日常生活中经常会用到,尤其是在指引他人前往某个地点时。除了直接使用该短语外,还可以使用同义词来表达相同的意思。
