
英语听力2024-04-23 03:50:00小编



How to pronounce: /ˈkɜːs.jə ˈbɜː.dən/

Usage: 课业负担通常用于讨论学生的学习情况,也可以用来比较不同年级或不同学校的学生所面临的压力差异。

Example sentences:

1. High school students in China have a heavy course load and face a huge academic burden. (的高中生课程繁重,面临巨大的学业压力。)

2. Many students struggle to balance their academic workload and extracurricular activities, resulting in a heavy burden on their shoulders. (许多学生努力平衡他们的学业负担和课外活动,导致肩上承受沉重的压力。)

3. The school has implemented measures to reduce the academic burden on students, such as reducing the number of exams and assigning less homework. (学校已经采取措施减轻学生的课业负担,如减少考试次数和分配更少的作业。)

4. Parents should pay attention to their children's academic burden and provide support and guidance to help them cope with the pressure. (家长应该关注孩子的课业负担,提供支持和指导,帮助他们应对压力。)

5. Some students choose to drop out of school due to the heavy academic burden and lack of interest in their studies. (由于沉重的学业负担和对学习缺乏兴趣,一些学生选择辍学。)

Synonyms and usage:

1. 学业压力 (academic pressure): 指学生在学习过程中所面临的各种压力,包括课业负担、考试压力等。

2. 学习负担 (study load): 指学生需要完成的全部学习任务,包括课堂作业、考试、报告等。

3. 学习任务 (study tasks): 指学生需要完成的具体学习活动,如阅读、写作、实验等。

4. 学习挑战 (learning challenge): 指学生在面对困难或挑战时所面临的压力和负担。

5. 学业繁重 (heavy academic workload): 指学生需要完成大量的课程和作业,在时间上感到紧张和不堪重负。

Editor's summary:

