
英语听力2024-04-23 03:53:01小编



How to pronounce:

/ˌekstrəˈkɜːrɪkjʊlər əkˈtɪvɪti/



Example sentences:

1. 我每周都会安排一些课外活动,比如参加音乐社团和志愿者活动。

I always schedule some extracurricular activities every week, such as joining the music club and volunteering.

2. 学校鼓励学生积极参加各种课外活动,以丰富校园文化氛围。

The school encourages students to actively participate in various extracurricular activities to enrich the campus culture.

3. 除了学习,我还喜欢参加一些有意义的课外活动,比如环保志愿者活动。

Besides studying, I also enjoy participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, such as environmental volunteer work.

4. 老师们认为课外活动可以帮助学生全面发展,不仅仅是学习成绩。

Teachers believe that extracurricular activities can help students develop comprehensively, not just academically.

5. 我们学校每年都会举办一次课外活动展示,让学生们展示自己的才艺和成果。

Our school holds an extracurricular activity showcase every year for students to demonstrate their talents and achievements.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 课余活动 (kè yú huó dòng) - refers to activities that take place after school or work.

2. 业余活动 (yè yú huó dòng) - refers to leisure activities that are not related to work or study.

3. 娱乐活动 (yú lè huó dòng) - refers to recreational activities for entertainment.

4. 学外活动 (xué wài huó dòng) - refers to activities outside of school, often used in a more formal context.

5. 课后活动 (kè hòu huó dòng) - refers to activities that take place after class or school hours.

Editor's summary:

