Humility follows the master's song means a humble and obedient attitude, which refers to people should humbly follow the guidance of the master, not be arrogant or proud, in order to achieve harmony. This attitude can also be understood as respect for others and things.
/hjuːˈmɪlɪti fɒləʊz ðə ˈmɑːstəz sɒŋ/
Humility follows the master's song is usually used to describe the attitude and behavior of a person or group, emphasizing that they should humbly accept others' guidance and not be too confident or arrogant. It can also be used to express respect and reverence for others and things.
1. 我们应该谦卑随主歌,不要自负,以免给他人带来困扰。
We should follow the master's song with humility and not be arrogant, so as not to cause trouble for others.
2. 在这个世界上,谦卑随主歌是一种重要的美德。
In this world, humility follows the master's song is an important virtue.
3. 作为领导者,你应该以身作则,谦卑随主歌,让员工感受到你的尊重和关怀。
As a leader, you should lead by example, follow the master's song with humility, and make your employees feel respected and cared for.
4. 谦卑随主歌并不意味着软弱或退缩,它只是表明一个人有足够的智慧和谦逊来接受别人的意见和建议。
Humility follows the master's song does not mean weakness or retreat, it simply shows that a person has enough wisdom and humility to accept others' opinions and suggestions.
5. 她总是以谦卑随主歌的态度面对挑战和困难,因此赢得了同事们的尊敬和信任。
She always faces challenges and difficulties with a humble attitude following the master's song, thus earning the respect and trust of her colleagues.
1. 谦逊(humility):指一个人自知之明,不自负,不夸耀自己的能力或成就。
2. 谦虚(modesty):指一个人谦逊、谦卑的态度,不过分夸大自己的价值。
3. 谦恭(humbleness):指一个人谦虚、谦逊的态度,尊重他人并对自己保持低调。
4. 谦和(meekness):指一个人温和、柔顺的性格,不会表现出傲慢或自大的态度。
5. 顺从(obedience):指一个人遵从他人的意见或命令,表现出服从和顺从的态度。