
英语听力2024-04-23 05:12:01小编



负商誉(Negative Goodwill)指的是企业在进行收购或合并时,实际支付的价格低于被收购企业的净资产价值,这种差额被称为负商誉。也可以理解为企业在进行收购或合并时,因为某些原因导致被收购企业的品牌、声誉、客户群等价值下降,从而形成了负商誉。

Negative Goodwill refers to the situation where the price paid by a company in an acquisition or merger is lower than the net asset value of the acquired company. This difference is known as negative goodwill. It can also be understood as a situation where the brand, reputation, customer base and other values of the acquired company decrease for certain reasons during an acquisition or merger, resulting in negative goodwill.


负商誉 [fù shāng yù]



Negative goodwill usually appears when a company is involved in acquisitions, mergers or restructuring. It can be recorded as an asset on the company's balance sheet, but it may also affect the income statement and cash flow statement. When a company incurs negative goodwill, it needs to be converted into long-term assets or directly included in profit and loss through accounting treatment.


1. 由于收购方支付的价格低于被收购企业的净资产价值,导致形成了负商誉。

Due to the price paid by the acquirer being lower than the net asset value of the acquired company, negative goodwill was formed.

2. 负商誉可以作为一项资产出现在企业的资产负债表中。

Negative goodwill can be recorded as an asset on the company's balance sheet.

3. 企业发生负商誉时,需要通过会计处理将其转化为长期资产或者直接计入损益。

When a company incurs negative goodwill, it needs to be converted into long-term assets or directly included in profit and loss through accounting treatment.

4. 负商誉的发生可能会影响到企业的利润表和现金流量表。

The occurrence of negative goodwill may affect the income statement and cash flow statement of a company.

5. 在进行收购或合并时,应该尽量避免出现负商誉。

In acquisitions or mergers, efforts should be made to avoid negative goodwill.



Negative goodwill can also be referred to as "badwill", but in practice, "badwill" is more often used to describe a situation where the price paid by the acquirer is higher than the net asset value of the acquired company. This difference is then known as badwill. Therefore, negative goodwill and badwill have opposite meanings.


