
英语听力2024-04-23 05:51:01小编




"Poverty" is an adjective that refers to the state of lacking material wealth and resources. In Chinese, it has two meanings: one is to refer to a state of living in poverty, lacking basic necessities; the other is to describe language or writing as simple and lacking substance.


pín [pín]


1. "贫"作为形容词时,可以用来描述人或事物的经济状况,表示缺乏、穷困。

2. "贫"也可以作为名词使用,表示处于贫穷状态的人群或地区。

3. "贫"还可以用来形容语言或文字简陋、不够充实。

1. As an adjective, "poverty" can be used to describe a person or thing's economic situation, indicating a lack of wealth or resources.

2. "Poverty" can also be used as a noun, referring to the group or region in a state of poverty.

3. It can also be used to describe language or writing as simple and lacking substance.


1. 他们生活在一个贫穷的村庄,缺乏基本的生活条件。

They live in a poor village, lacking basic living conditions.

2. 这部小说描写了一个贫穷家庭的生活,让读者深刻感受到贫困的痛苦。

This novel depicts the life of a poor family, allowing readers to deeply feel the pain of poverty.

3. 这个地区一直处于经济贫困的状态,正在采取措施改善当地人民的生活。

The region has been in a state of economic poverty, and the government is taking measures to improve the lives of local people.

4. 他的语言简单而不充实,缺乏说服力。

His language is simple and lacks substance, lacking persuasiveness.

5. 在这个领域,我们仍然存在着知识贫乏的问题,需要进一步学习和研究。

In this field, we still have a problem of knowledge poverty and need further learning and research.


1. 贫苦(pínkǔ):指经济上非常贫困、生活艰难。

2. 贫困(pínkùn):指经济上缺乏、物质匮乏。

3. 穷困(qióngkùn):指经济上极度拮据、生活十分困难。

1. Poor (pínkǔ): refers to extreme poverty and difficult living conditions.

2. Poverty (pínkùn): refers to a lack of economic resources and material scarcity.

3. Destitution (qióngkùn): refers to extreme financial difficulties and extremely difficult living conditions.


